In compliance with the international ship and port facility security code (ISPS) of 2004 – an amendment to the safety of life at sea convention on minimum security arrangements for ships, ports and Government agencies; the scan facility was subsequently set up in 2005 as part of Government’s determination to “detect security threats and take preventive measures against security incidents affecting ships or port facilities used in international trade”. Since then, all imported and exported containerized goods and services at the Quay, have been scanned.
The scanning services is operated at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay and entails the following:
- Submission and validity check of CVC issued from ITS Head Office
- Capture of CVC details in the control room – scanned and entered on the computer database
- Radioscopic image processing to confirm the contents of the container to the CVC submitted
- Imagine processing and verification by customs
- Forwarding of container for full physical examination to customs where images fail to conform to CVC’s issued